Passage into History - DVD order

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The Society for the Revival of the Nemean Games

Order Form


Please provide me with ______ DVD(s) of “Passage into History” at € 12 contribution for each 
Total €________

Please ship to the following at € 3 per order: + 3 = Grand Total € __________

NAME _______________________________________________________________

ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________



Email __________________________________ Tel___________________________

______ I am placing this order electronically and am depositing the above Grand Total to the Society’s PayPal account

_______ I am printing out this form and sending it to

The Society for the Revival of the Nemean Games
P.O. Box 2020
Nemea 20500, Greece

enclosing a personal cheque or a receipt for deposit to an account of the Society:

National Bank of Greece #429/296013-36 
(IBAN: GR07 0110 4290 0000 4292 9601 336)

Piraeus Bank #6336-010138-817
(IBAN: GR59 0171 3360 0063 3601 0138 817)