This is our cookie policy.

What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files with information that a web page (specifically a web server) saves on a user’s computer without knowing any document or file from the user’s computer. Cookies contain some information, such as the name of a web page and some digits and numbers. Whenever a user connects to a web site, the latter retrieves that information and provides the user with services related to it. A typical example of such information is the user’s preferences on a website, as stated by the user’s choices on the site (eg. selecting specific “buttons”, searches, ads, etc.).
Cookies are small text files that contain information stored in your computer’s web browser when browsing and can be removed at any time. We use cookies for the best possible operation of, your right browsing, connecting and moving to the pages as well as providing promotional content based on your interests and needs. We also use cookies to analyze how visitors use, how they are browsing, or whether they have a problem which we should fix, and to improve the structure and content of
If you do not find the information you want about cookies on this site, you can email us at info@nemeangames.orgWe will be happy to reply.

Absolutely necessary
The absolutely necessary cookies are essential for the proper operation of They allow you to navigate and use its functions properly. Without these cookies, we cannot provide efficient operation of

Performance cookies
Performance cookies collect information about how visitors use, for example, which pages are visited more often, and if error messages from web pages occur. They are used exclusively to improve the performance of a website.
These cookies are used to collect anonymous statistical data to determine which parts of the site are useful or popular, or for statistical purposes to improve the structure and content of the site according to users’ needs.
The information collected by cookies is not sold or disclosed to third parties unless required by law.
Cookie-related information is not used to personally identify you and we have absolute control over the pattern data. Cookies are not used for purposes other than those described herein.

Functionality cookies
These cookies allow to remember your choices, such as the username you have used, the selection of your preferred language, or the use of social media. The information that these cookies collect concerns your browsing at exclusively and they are not able to record your browsing activity on other sites. These cookies improve the functionality of the site in order to provide a better navigation experience for the user. In particular, these cookies allow the site to retrieve or collect the user’s options and preferences, such as annotation or rating of an article or other services provided through the site. They can also be used to provide services related to social media (sharing, commenting, like), and in particular for the website to “remember” YouTube videos that the user viewed and/or suggested.

Some of our pages use cookies to remember:
• your imagery preferences, e.g. brightness or font size,
• if you have already responded to a pop-up survey asking if the content was useful or not (so as not to ask again the same question),
• whether you have agreed (or not) to use cookies on this site.

Targeting/advertising cookies
Targeting cookies are used to deliver content that best suits your interests. They can be used to send targeted ads/bids, limit ads, or measure an advertising campaign’s effectiveness. They are usually placed to remember your visit to a website. The website uses Google Analytics for statistical, marketing and advertising purposes.

Third-party cookies
While browsing our website, third-party organizations and companies may produce their own anonymous cookies to control the functionality of their apps and personalize them for you.
For example, when browsing when you share an article on our social networking services (such as Facebook or Twitter), then these social networks produce cookies to remember your connection with them but also to measure your energy.
Due to the nature of cookies, has no control or access to these cookies from third parties, and no other organization can access the data stored in them. These third companies and organizations have their own Cookies and Privacy Policies.
Also, when browsing, Flash software cookies may be created. This software is usually installed in your Browser as an extension and is used to show animations or videos. For this reason, cookies may be installed by using the Flash app in your browser.

How can I review cookie settings in my browser?
Some users may not agree with storing the information collected by cookies on their computer. Every web browser provides clear instructions on how to use cookies.
If you do not wish to receive cookies, you can modify your web browser settings so as to be alerted when cookies are sent, to disable all or some of the cookies used by or to delete cookies already installed on your computer.
Most of the services on this site are free of cookies. However, if you disable cookies, you will not have access to certain services and features on the site.
Here are references to the most basic web browsers for specific editions.
It is recommended to refer to the official bibliography of the manufacturers for the most up-to-date information.
Google Chrome
Internet Explorer
Mozilla firefox
For web browsers of other manufacturers, please refer to their official bibliography.

Useful links for cookies
Google Ads Settings:
Managing advertising agency cookies for the US:
Managing advertising agency cookies for the EU:
All About Cookies –