On Friday, December 20, 2013, at 6:30 p.m., the 13th regular meeting of the Board of Directors took place in the offices of the Society in Ancient Nemea. The main subjects of discussion were the following:
1. Validation of the minutes of the 12th regular meeting
2. Economic report. In the treasury of the Society there is 9816.28 euros
3. Report of the members about the progress of the nomination of the archaeological site for the World Heritage list of UNESCO.
4. Approval of the amendments to the by-laws.
5. Printing of 2000 copies of the pamphlet for the Column of Opheltes in Papalexopoulos Square.
6. Discussion of the subjects for the Regular Assembly of the Society on Saturday, January 4, 2013, or – in case of a lack of a quorum, on Sunday, January 5, 2014, at 11 am in the lecture hall of the City Hall.
7. Discussion about the signing of a contract with Mrs. Papanikolaou.
President Secretary
Stephen Miller Spyros Kyriakos