
The Society for the Revival of the Nemean Games is pleased to announce that on Saturday, 12 October 2013 the World Pangration Athlema Federation will organize a Pangration competition at the ancient stadium of Nemea.The ancient Pangration was an integral part of the Ancient Nemean Games.

The events will start at 12.00 p.m. and will finish at 14.00 p.m.

The program will include:

1. Shadow-boxing (fight against imaginary opponents)
2. Palaismata
3. Polydamas (A Pangratiast neutralizes three opponents armed with knife, sword and spear)
4. Pangration Games.

Fig.: Hercules against Nemea Lion. Stone relief, 2nd c. A.D. (Olympic Games Museum, Olympia).

Feel free to bring family and friends so that none of us will lose the chance to get to know this ancient sport!

From the Board of Directors