We are pleased and proud to announce the decision of Professor Konstantinos Georgiades to join the Honorary Committee of our Society.  Our ties to the Olympic movement, and our credibility as a viable supplementary part of modern Olympism, are thereby strengthened.

Professor Georgiades earned his doctorate in Athletic Science at Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Mainz, Germany and has taught since 2003 at the University of the Peloponnese where, in 2010, he became Vice-Chancellor.

For many years he served as the Scientific Director, and then as Rector, and now as Honorary Rector of the International Olympic Academy.

Since 2009 he has been Director of the Masters Program in Olympic Studies at the University of the Peloponnese and the International Olympic Academy.

He is a member of many committees of the International Olympic Committee, especially in the field of Olympic Education, and was made Honorary Professor of the Capital Institute of Physical Education of Peking in 2006.

His published works include:

Die Ideengeschichliche Grundlange der Erneurung der Olympischen Spielen im 19. Jahrhundert in Griechenland und     Ihre Umstetzung 1896 in Athen (Kassel 2000).

The Revival of the Olympic Games (Athens 2003)

The International Olympic Academy – History of an Olympic Institution  (ed, with Ch.Koulouri, Athens 2007)