A thank-you note to our volunteers

The Sixth Revival of the Nemean Games has already gone down in history. It is now recorded in the archives of our Society, but also engraved in our souls and hearts as a wonderful remembrance. We shall keep it wistfully with us, like a spark smouldering until the moment it will again ignite the altar of the Seventh Nemead, in 2020.
The Board of Directors of the Society for the Revival of the Nemean Games would like to thank most sincerely all of you who embraced and supported this enormous project. It would also like to point out that you, the volunteers, are the guiding light not only for the younger generations, but also for the continuation of our Society’s work. With your selfless acts, you strengthen everybody’s will and desire to help, so that volunteerism, that foremost way of achieving common goals in an altruistic way, may prevail in every aspect of human activity, to the benefit of the community.
May you all have health and prosper, so that we can meet again on the same soil of Ancient Nemea, and help the Seventh Nemead come true.