The Society for the Revival of the Nemean Games is pleased to announce that its Regular Annual General Assembly for our members will take place on Saturday, January 5, at 11 a.m. at the Town Hall of the City of Nemea. The Agenda is:
1. Report on the Fifth Nemead
2. Report on the economic status of the Society
3. Report on membership
4. Report of the auditing committee
5. Release of the Board of Directors from its responsibilities
6. Suggestions and ideas
a) from the Governing Board
Date of the 6th Nemead – June 3-5, 2016 or June 10-12, 2016
b) from the Membership.
7. Elections of Governing Board and Audit Committee for 2013 and 2014.
We are also pleased to announce that editing for the documentary “Passage into History” by the company IMAGINA is underway. An article about that work by Joanna Tachmintzis is on pages 31-32 of the Newsletter, and a trailer that gives a taste of what is being prepared is on our home page.